I do it for myself. I do it because I feel GOOD after. No, I feel freaking ACCOMPLISHED!
But, I also do it for them...
I do it to show them that women are resilient. That we are powerhouses. That we are unstoppable.
Do I always feel this way about myself? Absolutely not.
I feel overwhelmed and stressed, but exercise is always the answer for me.
It’s not perfect every time [I promise you this workout was average at best! Haha]
But, it ALWAYS brings me back to my center. It makes me feel good to my core.
Most importantly, it makes my daughter pay attention. She studies me. She mimics me. She brings love and laughter into my workouts.
I know, someday, she will feel the same benefits from exercise that I do.
It might look different (she’ll probably be WAY more flexible than me ) but it will hopefully give her the same level of satisfaction, because I will have instilled this in her overtime.
So, if you don’t have the motivation to exercise for yourself, will you do it for them??